Managing Water Insecurity in Pakistan

Water scarcity is a pressing issue not only in Pakistan but in the world as a whole. Numerous factors such as climate change, global warming, water and air pollution, and inadequate water resource management contribute to the global water crisis.

Water scarcity is a significant threat to food security. Without water security, there can be no food security, because the agricultural sector which contributes 22.7 percent to the national GDP in Pakistan, is dependent upon water. Similarly, water insecurity also has a significant impact on energy security when it comes to hydroelectric power generation.

Understanding the Matter Better

At present, Pakistan is ranked among the top seventeen countries facing severe water stress. According to the Chairman of WAPDA’s statement, the per capita water availability in Pakistan has drastically declined from 5,650 cubic meters annually in 1951 to 908 cubic meters annually in 2022. He emphasized that Pakistan can only retain 10 percent of its annual river flows, whereas the global average is 40 percent. This indicates that Pakistan is on the brink of water scarcity. Read Full Op-Ed

Managing Water Insecurity in Pakistan

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